What can you learn from living with a psychic?
10 Things I’ve Learned from Living with a Psychic 1. When he says drive carefully, stay home. Stephen and I have been married for almost 25 years. Twice during our marriage, he casually remarked, “Drive carefully” when we left for work in the morning. Both times I ended up in an automobile accident that wasn’t my […]

Are past lives real?
Do you believe in reincarnation—that after we die, we are born again into another life? Well, according to a recent survey, 51 percent of the world’s population holds that belief. More than 18,000 people in 23 countries participated in the survey conducted by the Global Research Society and the Institute for Social Research. Interestingly, one of […]

Where does consciousness reside?
As a journalist, I have always been fascinated by the life experiences of others. As a science writer, I have been equally intrigued by what researchers discover about the world around us. So, when I read a recent study by the University of Virginia exploring the origin of consciousness, it combined those magical elements of […]

Are psychics more spiritually developed?
People often ask if having psychic ability is a sign that those who possess it are more spiritually developed. The short answer to that is no. Psychic ability has no bearing on how spiritually evolved someone is. That said, psychic ability can influence the way a person views the world. While I am not terribly […]

What is a psychic bystander?
I’m a psychic bystander. That is, I’m surrounded by astonishingly gifted psychics, but I essentially have no particular abilities myself. Yes, I know that “everyone has the potential to be psychic.” I’ve heard that one, and even repeated it myself. But the fact is that while those around me see, hear and/or smell spectacular entities […]

Why don’t psychics win the lottery?
It’s not uncommon for people to assume that if someone is psychic, they should know everything. The fact is, they don’t. Psychics are nothing more than astral postal workers. They simply deliver messages from the other side that are given to them. Sometimes those messages may come from departed loved ones or guides. Sometimes a […]

Are psychic brains more evolved?
Reprinted from ParanormalPeopleOnline.com. A professional psychic named Ilona recently made a remark that startled me. I was interviewing her for my first book and I’d thought I’d heard it all, but that certainly was not the case. Her comment wasn’t an epiphany-inducing personal prediction. Nor was it about anything as agonizingly cliché as the world ending. […]

Why are some people psychic (and others not)?
Whenever I’ve encountered someone who is gifted with psychic ability, I have always been amazed at their otherworldly talents. But how did they get that way? Most psychics will tell you that they were born that way. Apparently, the human nervous system is like an antenna. Psychics have particularly sensitive antennas—and that tendency is often […]

How are the dead involved in our lives?
Have you ever wondered if, following death, people you know—or don’t know—are hanging around, nosily following your life? Do dead people, as one best-selling author once asked, watch us shower? Several psychic mediums I’ve interviewed suggest that the answer may be yes. They add that when our loved ones die, they continue to have an avid interest […]

What signs do the dead offer us?
Have you ever heard of a watch or clock stopping at the moment of a person’s death? Paranormal researcher Louisa E. Rhine, in her classic book, Hidden Channels of the Mind, reported on several instances when timepieces froze at the very moment someone died. She and her husband and fellow Duke University researcher Dr. Joseph B. […]