Do you have an uninvited house ghost?
If you could read the energy in a home, would it make it harder to buy your first house? In my second book, Sightseeing in the Undiscovered Country, a family bought a charming old home but got more than they bargained for in the attic. Another family developed a warm relationship with the former departed […]

Why do the departed hang around?
We often read about how blissful it is to go to the white light after death. So, if it’s so wonderful, why do the departed sometimes hang around? No one knows for sure, but I’ve read several theories. Psychic medium George Anderson suggests that many people don’t know they’re dead. Apparently, the transition from life […]

How are the dead involved in our lives?
Have you ever wondered if, following death, people you know—or don’t know—are hanging around, nosily following your life? Do dead people, as one best-selling author once asked, watch us shower? Several psychic mediums I’ve interviewed suggest that the answer may be yes. They add that when our loved ones die, they continue to have an avid interest […]

Are children’s invisible playmates imaginary or real?
It’s been said that children and the elderly are more likely to see departed loved ones and friends on the Other Side because they have one foot in our earthly world and one foot in the hereafter. The young have just stepped into the physical plane and the elderly will soon be leaving. I remember […]