What signs do the dead offer us?
Have you ever heard of a watch or clock stopping at the moment of a person’s death? Paranormal researcher Louisa E. Rhine, in her classic book, Hidden Channels of the Mind, reported on several instances when timepieces froze at the very moment someone died. She and her husband and fellow Duke University researcher Dr. Joseph B. […]

Can you feel the energies of the dead?
I remember many years ago when I was a student at the University of South Carolina, a bunch of us loaded into a car and decided we would visit the state penitentiary graveyard nearby. Why? I don’t know. I guess college kids do strange things. We were told that this particular cemetery was where men […]

Are there reunions on the other side?
When we die, it’s been suggested that our relatives and friends are waiting for us on the Other Side. Many psychics I’ve interviewed have described this reception as a big reunion party. After being separated from loved ones for years, sometimes decades, we are finally reunited with them, and it’s a joyous occasion. Psychic medium […]

Are children’s invisible playmates imaginary or real?
It’s been said that children and the elderly are more likely to see departed loved ones and friends on the Other Side because they have one foot in our earthly world and one foot in the hereafter. The young have just stepped into the physical plane and the elderly will soon be leaving. I remember […]

Do past lives create current phobias?
Many years ago, I had a client who specialized in past-life regression. That’s where a person is hypnotized and taken back to experience their past lives. Practitioners believe that people, after death, are reborn and live again, learning something new in each lifetime that helps their soul evolve. This notion is the basis of reincarnation. […]

Do psychics have a cheat sheet on life?
I remember reading that the famous psychic Edgar Cayce used to place a book under his pillow at night, and by morning, he knew the material in that book. Essentially, he had a psychic cheat sheet for his studies.In her book, The ESP Enigma, Diane Hennacy Powell, MD, writes about a psychic she met in […]

Are war and death paranormal companions?
Many years ago, a Vietnam veteran told me a fascinating story about an out-of-body experience he had during combat. He and some fellow soldiers were engaged in a firefight in the jungle when a grenade exploded nearby. Jack remembered rising up out of his body and watching as paramedics frantically tried to revive him, bandaged […]

Do animals have an afterlife?
If you’ve ever loved and lost a pet, there’s good news. They’re alive and well on the Other Side. Several years ago, our family had a wonderful cat named Nala who was poisoned by tainted cat-food ingredients from China. The extent of our grief over her senseless suffering and death cannot be expressed in words. […]

Does creativity spring from the other side?
A while back, something strange and unexpected happened to me. I’m married to a psychic, and have been for more then 20 years, so I’m not unaccustomed to mysterious doings. But most of the amazing experiences that occur in this family tend to bypass me. I guess you could call me a psychic bystander. So […]